Born in 1949, Ernesto Carratalá is a Spanish artist who was educated in the Conservatory of Music & Painting, Lonja del Mar Arts Applications, Barcelona, Spain. He traveled the world, creating works abroad, before eventually exploring the Philippine art scene. He won first prize for a metal engraving competition in Barcelona at an early age. This talent is merely a facet of this multi-dimensional artist. He has done drawings and short stories for books published in Spain, and has created prints here and abroad, designing advertising posters and magazine covers. His other works include interior decorating and clothes designing for a musical opera in the Philippines in the 1970s. Using watercolor as a medium, he depicts his subjects quite expressively, highlighting certain stereotypical features of them, even mockingly, and using color to complete the image and convey his message. His abstract works, on the other hand, seem cheerful, with arc-like strokes or impressionistic lines emitting a vibrant emotion.
24″ x 22 1/2″
Acrylic on Board
SN 76994
24″ x 25 1/4″
Acrylic on Board
SN 76943
24″ x 21 1/2″
Acrylic on Board
SN 76991
28″ x 24″
Acrylic on Board
SN 76995
24″ x 28″
Acrylic on Board
SN 76992
24″ x 21″
Acrylic on Board
SN 80386
31″ x 21 1/2″
Acrylic on Board
SN 80385